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The hamlet of Ellera, located on the foothills of Albisola, still retains its traits of ancient countryside Ligurian village and boasts a charming historic center with pictoresque alleys, caruggi and small squares, embellished by an important series of artistic ceramic panels creating a bona fide open-air gallery of ceramic art.

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Along the banks of the Sansobbia stream, in the Middle Ages, canals were built, whose falling water powered numerous mills, already attested in documents from the 12th century: these were the grain mills, d'Alto and delle Chiappe, belonging to the abbey of San Quintino di Spigno. Between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th, some mills were adapted to the grinding of paints and colors, destined for the pottery factories of Albisola.

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The churches of Santa Maria, from pre-Romanesque times, and Santa Maria Maddalena, built on the rocky outcrop overlooking the Sansobbia stream, can be considered a unique gem in Liguria, because of their antiquity and their intertwining, in a marriage of different eras, with the enchanting landscape that surrounds them.

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Tourism Office Municipality of Albisola Superiore    
019/482295 int. 264 - 262 - 215
